Regional Rebirth

Michael Loderstadt is stepping forward to take over a derelict building in the heart of North Collinwood to open a a gallery and digital/film processing business, launching this weekend at Walk All Over Waterloo. Ohio Arts Professionals Network is celebrating 60 years of collective efforts to improve live performance opportunities, and their new ED, Clevelander Jessica Rosenblatt, says hi at a networking party at CLE Urban Winery this week. Joe Kleon shows his cat photos to help a Medina-based rescue.
Loganberry turns 25, West Park Kamm’s Corners CDC hosts a fundraiser/holiday party, and Ryan Humbert sings Americana at the Akron Civic to benefit the Akron Canton Food Bank. BOP STOP and The Music Settlement have transformed the cultural landscape on Cleveland’s near West Side, and in January we’re hosting a benefit for them with an all-request night focused on the life, music and legacy of David Bowie, all part of David Bowie Month. The rebirth is happening, it just needs your support. –Thomas Mulready

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Photo by Denyce Renee, courtesty Cleveland Photo Fest
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Celebrating the life and music of David Bowie comes naturally to this region. Now four years after his passing, a special benefit evening is being planned to honor the role The Music Settlement and BOP STOP are playing in the rebirth of Cleveland’s near West Side, the site of their new arts campus. Tickets are available now for this special benefit in the intimate BOP STOP.
January 10 is not only David Bowie’s death anniversary, it’s the date we’re hosting a special event to benefit the BOP STOP and the Music Settlement. An all-request evening is being planned with lots of fun, contests, trivia and giveaways. As with all the shows during David Bowie Month, the event will be capped with a sparkling live music set from Cleveland’s own Vanity Crash. Wed 1/10. [Photo of Bowie in Cleveland 1990 by Anastasia Pantsios]

78th Street Studios has a random collection of public restrooms scattered around its four floors, some bland, some brightly painted. They caught the eye of local painter Arabella Proffer who, about three years ago, joked that she’d like to do a book of photos of them.
Laugh no more! That book has become a reality, a new tome called The Restrooms of Cleveland. It’s expanded well beyond just 78th Street Studios, featuring restrooms in restaurants, bars, coffee houses stores, museums, schools, dental offices, auto garages and even churches. Join Proffer for a release party at Judd’s City Tavern in the Cudell neighborhood. Thu 12/5.

It was a good sign when the derelict “gold building” in the heart of the Waterloo Arts District was wrapped in Tyvek earlier this year. That signaled that the building, long slated for demolition, was going to meet a different fate: rehab and reuse.
In fact it was taken over by local artist Michael Loderstadt, who is opening a gallery and photo services business during Walk All Over Waterloo this week. He plans to show photo-based work by artists from around the country, as well as provide both digital and film processing and printing services, adding yet another arts-related component to the mix on Waterloo. Fri 12/6.

In the meantime, go meet OAPN’s new executive director, Clevelander Jessica Rosenblatt, at a networking party at CLE Urban Winery in Cleveland Heights. She’ll share more information about what the group does and her plans to expand its reach, while you get to know some of the other performance art-related people in town. Wed 12/4.
* It’s another big weekend of holiday bazaars, sales and open studios, so check out some places to go this weekend to shop for unique, handcrafted gifts. Fri 12/6-Sun 12/8.

This December, Melt Bar and Grilled is all about the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon Melt: Hickory smoked bacon, Black Pepper Crusted slab-cut Bacon, Maple Bourbon glazed Smoked Pork Belly, Italian Pancetta, Herb cream cheese with bacon bits, In-house made bacon infused with mayonnaise, sharp Cheddar, fresh Romaine and sliced tomato.
Melt Bar and Grilled gift cards are the perfect stocking stuffer. Purchase $100 worth of Melt gift cards and get a bonus $25 gift card! This awesome holiday deal is available at all Melt Bar and Grilled locations and online through our website for the entire months of December!

Local concert photographer Joe Kleon loves cats as much as he loves music, with two feline “helpers” at home, named Geddy and Alex after members of his favorite band, Rush. Five years ago, he began to donate his skills to the Medina-based rescue Kitten Krazy, going down every couple of weeks to photograph the cats so they could share professional-level photos to increase adoptions.
Kleon’s shown his concert photos many times but now he’ll have his first show of cat photos at the Saymo gallery in Kamm’s Corners. It’ll be a holiday party with his specially built cat photo studio onsite for photos, along with Santa. You are invited to bring your cat or dog! All proceeds go the Kitten Krazy. Sat 12/7.

Singer/songwriter Kate Voegele dazzled local audiences as a teenage Bay Village student. She went on to national success on the TV she One Tree Hill. She’s coming home to celebrate her 33rd birthday at the Music Box Supper Club. Sun 12/8
Read more picks by Anastasia Pantsios here

WED 12/4
The Dobama Theatre has a recent tradition of presenting a family-friendly, magical fairy-tale type production during the holidays. This year it’s the midwest premiere of The Old Man and the Old Moon which opens with previews today and tomorrow and kicks off its official run Fri 12/6.
Click here for more events on Wed 12/4

THU 12/5
If small town Christmases seem romantic to you, come out to Peninsula tonight where a tree lighting is followed by the chance to stroll down the luminaria-lit Main Street and browse little, locally owned boutiques serving cider and cookies to shoppers.
Click here for more events on Thu 12/5

FRI 12/6
If bicycles are central to your life, you’ll HAVE to be at Ohio City Cycles’ Holiday party, which in addition to food and drink, features a bike fashion show, a symposium on winter cycling, and raffles and silent auctions in which all the prizes are bicycles or cycling-related.
Click here for more events on Fri 12/6

SAT 12/7
Akron’s Soul Train provides monthly artist residencies to create new work. Its SOULstice party will share the work of its 2019 artists such as Jenniffer Omaitz whose work is pictured, and announce its 2010 lineup.
Click here for more events on Sat 12/7

SUN 12/8
Holiday CircleFest, an afternoon of special events at University Circle institutions, culminates with the Winter Lights Lantern Festival, a procession of homemade lanterns carried by community members lighting up Wade Oval.
Click here for more events on Sun 12/8

MON 12/9
The Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation’s holiday party and benefit at the Polish American Cultural Center in Slavic Village includes dinner and a classical piano concert.
Click here for more events on Mon 12/9

TUE 12/10
Beer and cookies don’t sound like a natural combination. But at a pairing at Goldhorn Brewery, homemade holiday cookies will be matched with appropriate brews. And the ticket price includes a pint of beer & cookie recipes to take home.
Click here for more events on Tue 12/10

WED 12/11
How did a guy who lives in Florida create one of Cleveland’s biggest tourist attractions? Find out when Brian Jones, who owns A Christmas Story House & Museum in Tremont is the guest at the Music Box’s Cleveland Stories program.
Click here for more events on Wed 12/11
Send your cool events to: Events@CoolCleveland.com
If further proof is needed that Ohio is a really a Southern state that just happens to be located in the North – a state basically governed by a bunch of knuckle-dragging political Neanderthals that gather in Columbus and come up with bills that shout to the world “We want to go back to burning people at the stake” – simply consider the latest abortion bill introduced in the legislature.
The bill is sponsored by Representatives Candice Keller who hails from Butler County (which, sitting between Dayton and Cincinnati, is rumored to have the lowest median I.Q. of any county in the state) and Ron Hood from Pickaway County (where, allegedly, snake-handling is still prevalent at Sunday church services), and is co-sponsored by 19 other simpletons who belong to Ohio’s 99-member House…
Read other stories from Mansfield Frazier here
A look back at the last week
Submit your own review or commentary to Events@CoolCleveland.com

THEATER REVIEW: Every Brilliant Thing @ Cleveland Play House by Roy Berko
MOVIE REVIEW: Queen & Slim by Mansfield Frazier
Read and comment here: http://www.coolcleveland.com/blog
The rebirth is happening,
–Thomas Mulready
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