Three-Artist Praxis Show Explores Isolation and Identity



Fri 5/7 @ 6-8PM

The three artists who comprise the next show, Glint of Transition, at Praxis Fiber Workshop’s Gallery use a wide variety of matters, including plant matter and found objects, to convey ideas about disparate lives ad cultures and how they intertwine.

Ann Arbor-based Avery Williamson has painted sculptural cubes to address Covid-induced isolation. While home, she inventoried everything in her house to discover its role in her life. “She wanted to bring her artwork into the rhythms and flows of domestic life, and wondered why the objects storing books and holding plants couldn’t have the same energy and excitement of the work that she was making on paper, wood panel and canvas,” says her artist statement. “The cubes are about embracing domestic space and also yearning for the outdoors and for change.”

Analise Minjarez and Sarita Westrup are both originally from the Texas/Mexico border and work individually as well as together under the name Tierra Firme, creating installations based on their identity as natives of the border.

Minjarez “attempts to understand her past, present and future through memory, landscape, and a converted Magic 8 Ball,” recalling her childhood in El Paso. For her current work she visited a highway over the Rio Grande built in the Æ90s and used orange flagging tape to map her own relationship with the riverbed and memories of the highway’s construction, with the Magic 8 Ball as her guide.

Sarita Westrup uses a variety of materials, including cement, paint, wire and black reed, to sculpt kitchen implements found in Mexican homes. “Westrup’s work acts as wishes and questions while contemplating the liminality of the US-Mexico borderlands,” says her artist statement.

The exhibition opens with an in-person exhibit Friday May 7 @ 6-8pm and runs through Sunday June 27. Gallery hours are Wednesday and Sunday @ noon-4pm, or by appointment at



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