MANSFIELD: Black Folks: tRump Needs You

We have Charles Mosley to thank for the unique spelling of the name of the clown in the White House, which is pronounced “t-Rump.” The one thing politicians — and this one in particular — cannot survive is ridicule. And calling him “tRump” describes him as the buffoon that he is. Everyone should begin using it.

But, with that said, to stay in power he’s going to need black folks in the upcoming 2020 election, and allow me to explain why.

In all likelihood, the Democratic nominee for president is going to be Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. A graduate of Harvard University and Oxford University, he was a Rhodes Scholar who’s fluent in seven languages and has served his country as a former Naval Intelligence lieutenant and who was deployed for the War in Afghanistan in 2014. In other words, he’s a real American, not some fake, greedy, former TV star.

But what tRump’s strategy is going to be is this: He’s not going to try to convince black voters to vote for him (he knows we’re not that stupid), but what he’s going to do is try to convince black voters to stay home on Election Day and not vote for a gay candidate, and believe it or not, some of us are stupid enough to fall for such a trick. But tRump literally cannot win if enough black folks go out to vote against him. We hold the balance of power in the upcoming election.

Oh, we black folk don’t mind a gay church choir director — just as long as the music is good on Sunday and he stays in the closet about his sexual orientation, which only proves what a bunch of religious hypocrites some of us can be.

Recently, it was announced that Baldwin Wallace University trustees are considering severing the school’s 174-year affiliation with the United Methodist Church “after church delegates voted against allowing same-sex marriage and LGBTQ clergy.” The issue of gays is causing the deep and ugly schism within the Methodist Church and the main opposition to treating everyone fairly is coming from black church members, albeit black Africans for the most part.

It’s truly amazing how we as black people — who have suffered the most virulent forms of discrimination the world has ever seen — can ever buy into discriminating against any group, for any reason. But some of the same black preachers, the same ones that will hire a gay choir director, will turn around and preach against voting for Pete Buttigieg. Like I said, hypocrites.

Do this: If your preacher, black or white, begins questioning Mayor Pete’s fitness for office over the issue of his sexuality, then tell that preacher to go fuck himself and find a new church.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsInc.

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One Response to “MANSFIELD: Black Folks: tRump Needs You”

  1. L. Travis

    Amen to that, great thoughtful column. Although I’m not sure I would agree Mayor Pete will be the next candidate. Anyone of the contenders would be way better than the orange buffoon!

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