MANSFIELD: An Unspoken Conspiracy?

The dictionary defines the word “conspire” thusly: “To agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil or illegal.” But there also can be a “conspiracy of silence,” whereby groups of individuals desirous of a similar outcome act in a similar manner to advance their cause, but without any communication between any of them — since none is necessary.

While I usually attempt to avoid going down the dark alleys of conspiracy theories — since so many of my fellow Americans (some of whom no doubt would take umbrage and become enraged if they knew I referred to them as such) have given up on reality and are constantly seeking out the next wild-eyed, wild-assed, cock-and-bull story to believe in — I do have a nagging, nasty suspicion that is based only on the fact I know how deeply some right-wing citizens hate their black fellow citizens and how badly they want to protect and maintain white privilege.

The tRump campaign is getting desperate: His own sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal judge no less, called him a “liar” with “no principles” in audio recordings recently made public, and then went on to excoriate her brother for his “phoniness” and “cruelty.” Also, tRump’s favorite bible-thumper, Jerry Falwell, Jr (who followed in his father’s footsteps by railing against anything with the slightest hint of sexual impropriety), was ratted out by the family’s former pool boy who claims, with substantial evidence, that for years he was doing dick-stands in Mrs. Falwell while ’ol Jerry sat in the corner watching, no doubt with his limp noodle in hand while drool was running down into his beard.

So, since hardball season has begun — if not in stadiums then at least in politics — and the only path to victory tRump and his minions can discern is the one strewn with fear, hatred, and more fear, we’re going to see them focusing laser-like on the uprisings for justice that have been occurring around the country. Their message to the suburban housewife is as simple as it is clear: “If you are foolish enough to elect Biden/Harris, this is the kind of violence that will become commonplace in America, and soon will be occurring in your community if you don’t reelect tRump.”

Now here’s where my conspiracy theory comes to the fore. In order for the tRump team to sell that message of fear they need for street protests to keep occurring and with increasing frequency — and the absolute surest way to keep the uprising pot boiling is to shoot more unarmed black men in the back.

Certainly I’m not suggesting that racist cops got together and at the meeting rolled out a plan to help tRump by committing such killings, but as I said at the beginning, they didn’t have to say anything to each other or to anyone — they already know what needs to be done.

The fact that I can conceive of such a sick scenario, and that you, dear friend, are pausing and pondering my theory — all the while hoping and praying like I am that it’s not true — is proof of sorts that it’s at least in the realm of possibility. and perhaps not too far-fetched after all.

And that’s the damnable part of living in America as a black man in 2020: The thought (the fear) that I, or someone who looks like me in terms of skin pigmentation, could possibly get their life taken by a cop whose only motive is to advance the tRump political agenda — an agenda that has as its sole goal the protection of white hegemony.

From CoolCleveland correspondent Mansfield B. Frazier Frazier’s From Behind The Wall: Commentary on Crime, Punishment, Race and the Underclass by a Prison Inmate is available in hardback. Snag your copy and have it signed by the author at http://NeighborhoodSolutionsIn


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