Support Professional Children’s Theater at Talespinner’s Harlequinade Benefit

Sat 10/20 @ 6:30PM

When local actress/director/costumer/theater movers & shaker Alison Garrigan started Talespinner Children’s Theatre nearly eight years ago, she was both fulfilling a personal life-long dream and filling a gaping hole in the local arts community for a professional children’s theater.

Since then, the theater’s reputation has grown as it has drawn more talented artists into its orbit, expanded its programs, and word has gotten around about its exciting creative productions — all original takes on myths and legends from around the world, turned into scripts mostly by local writers, and enhanced on stage with movement, dance, music, chanting, costumes, lighting, puppets and masks for a true multimedia experience.

To help grow the work, TCT hosts its annual Harlequinade at its Reinberger Auditorium home. Among other things guests will get to see the premiere of TCT’s 2019 touring production When the Lion Sneezed (Tales from Ancient Assyria and Beyond), along with the announcement of the 2019 season.

As with many benefits these days, there are a couple of tiers to accommodate deeper pockets along with those who just want to toss in a little money and come to a late-night party.

Starting at 6:30, guests who buy the $75 ticket will get to see the premiere of TCT’s 2019 touring production When the Lion Sneezed (Tales from Ancient Assyria and Beyond), along with the announcement of the 2019 season. They’ll enjoy wine, beer, appetizers, desserts, silent auction items and dancing. That’s 21 and over only. At 9pm “night owls” pay $30 for dancing and desserts.

In addition, TCT Harlequin Award recipients Raymond Bobgan and Holly Holsinger will be honored, along with Zani Award recipient Melanie Boeman.

Snag your tickets here.




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