Fri 7/22 @ 4-7PM
One reason to welcome and not demonize immigrants and refugees is that they’re some of the most entrepreneurial people, unafraid to take chances. One example is Furahi: A Taste of Home, a food op-up owned by a Congolese refugee named Esther Ngemba, who came to the U.S. with her family in 2011. She’s a senior at John Carroll University majoring in communications and digital media, with a passion for gardening and cooking. Her business was one of the food providers at social service nonprofit The Refugee Response’s annual gala in 2021.
If you’d like to check out another cuisine your might not be familiar with and help build a business, Furahi (“happiness” in Swahili) doing a pop-up at Mason’s Creamery in Ohio with. There’ll also be fresh-squeezed lemonade, a perfect summer night treat, and a display of art by the #Corner65 kids of The Refugee Response.