Akron Soul Train Reopens Gallery With Two New Shows

Wed 9/2-Sat 10/3

One sector that has been cautiously reopening is art galleries, although packed opening receptions are a thing of the past for now.

The latest gallery to reopen is Akron Soul Train, which showcases the work of the artists in its monthly residencies. Its first exhibit after closing in March is titled The Surreal Real and features a pair of resident artists, Scott Goss and Timothy Gaewsky.

Goss creates interactive installations with video elements that invites viewers to get inside them to see the video projections. His new work, begun in March, looks at the concept of interaction in a pandemic environment. Gaewsky uses retro video games as his raw material, making paintings based on stills from old Nintendo games, which he alters and manipulates to create images that never existed in these games, although a viewer’s memory might cause them to believe they did.

Akron Soul Train has extended its exhibitions from four weeks to five in order to accommodate all who might want to see them, since it’s limiting visitors in the gallery to only six at a time. So The Surreal Real will run through Saturday October 3. Masks are required. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday @ 11am-4pm.

For more information, go to akronsoultrain.org.


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