Cleveland’s Role in Human Rights & Social Justice Is Interpreted by Performers at Station Hope

Sat 5/5 @ 6:30-10PM

Station Hope, taking place at St John’s Church and vicinity in Hingetown and put together by Cleveland Public Theatre, is now five years old. And the unusual event has really captured people’s imaginations. It was founded initially to focus on St. John’s role as a site of the Underground Railroad, where escaped slaves were assisted on their journey to freedom. But its vision is to focus on Cleveland’s role in the struggle for human rights and social justice, including in the present day.

It features more than 250 artists — musicians, spoken word performers, actors, dancers, storytellers and visual artists — of a variety of races, religions and nationalities, children and adults, interpreting the theme in different ways. Some of the performances are interactive. Recurring performances take place in spaces throughout the St. John’s buildings, in tents outside on the grounds and on stages on Church Street in front of St. John’s which is closed to traffic for the evening.

It’s free and open to all, no reservations necessary. Just going an open mind.

Station Hope

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