Amethyst String Quartet Plays Simon & Garfunkel for Music for Miles on Waterloo

Sun 9/9 @ 4PM

The casual, family-friendly music series Music for Miles at the Waterloo Arts Creative Space kicks off the fall with a program by versatile freelance violinist Mary Beth Ions and her Amethyst Quartet.

The foursome, which also includes violinist Carol Ruzicka, violist Alexandra Vaga and cellist Linda Atherton, will play a program of music by Simon & Garfunkel. The concerts are informal — you can come and go, stretch your legs, go look at the exhibit of paintings curated by Douglas Max Utter in the Waterloo Arts Gallery space, get refreshments and food at the Callaloo Café next door. There’s always a chance to chat with the musicians.

Music for Miles concerts are free and open to all.



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One Response to “Amethyst String Quartet Plays Simon & Garfunkel for Music for Miles on Waterloo”

  1. mike cotsman

    Mary, i hope this can reach you; tried your hotmail address, but it didn’t work. My apologies for trying to correct you about “A Star is Born”. You were right that Judy Garland was in the 1954 version. Janet Gaynor was in the 1937 version. Coincidentally, the versions are 17 years apart, the same numbers as our age difference.

    Not sure if you would be interested in the song I mentioned yesterday at EJ. It was, “Lonesome Moonlight Waltz”, by Bill Monroe. My favorite version is that of Solly Burton on mandolin. I first heard played by Christa Solars of Jeromesville at Hale farm’s “Music in the Valley”.

    Thanks so,so, much for entertaining the folks, and my sister and me, at EJ Thanks to Yani (sic-?) as well.

    mike cotsman

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