Cleveland Play House Theatre Thursday Presents Four Art-Inspired Short Plays

Thu 2/18 @ 7PM

The Cleveland Play House returns with the next episode of its monthly online series Theatre Thursday: The Art of Connection, as it continues to connect creative types with audiences.

For the February program the CPH commissioned four writers — Philip Dawkins, Crystal Finn, Nandita Shenoy and Lloyd Suh — to create short comedic plays exploring the theme of “connection,” inspired by art works that are viewable around the Cleveland area. Audience members can read/download the plays ahead of time, then join with small group of others virtually to read the plays aloud and make new creative “connections.”

“February Theatre Thursday will be a fun, interactive, and art-filled evening that will break-up pandemic routines and give audience members the opportunity to meet new people while trying something different,” says CPH Artistic Director Laura Kepley, who hosts the program. “ Part game night, part playmaking, part art appreciation class, February Theatre Thursday will not be your ordinary Zoom gathering!  Shy folks, don’t worry; the night is only as interactive as you want to make it.”

It’s “pay what you can” to join in, with a minimum donation of $5. Go here to get tickets.



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