Six Local Songwriters Perform in the Round to Raise Money for Church Roof

Sun 4/7 @ 3PM

“Songwriters in the Round” events are a great way for listeners to share an intimate moment with a group of songwriters, who sit on stage together, taking turns playing their songs and telling the stories behind them, while the other musicians join in where appropriate.

It’s even better when they’re doing it for a worthy cause, as local songwriters Jean Brandt, Ken Moody-Arndt, Marty Roberts, Bob Sammon, Jim Schafer and Diana Tyler are doing to raise money for North Eaton Christian Church’s Roof Fund. The audience gets to “sit in” too, offering written critiques of the performers and songs. And the concert is followed by a reception with the artists, where you can purchase their CDs and other merch if you liked what you heard.

The concert, taking place at the church at 35895 Royalton Road in Eaton Township is free, but they’ll be taking donations for the fund to provide a new roof for the church, which hosts a monthly community meal and acts as a shelter during weather emergencies.


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