Yards Project’s Art Bar Shows Film About Cleveland Outsider Artist the Rev. Albert Wagner

Thu 10/18 @ 6-8PM

The current Yards Project show at Worthington Yards apartments in the Warehouse district is called I Scarce Can Take It In. It features the work of four artists — three from Cleveland — who might roughly be called “outsider” artists.

One who certainly fits the description is the late Rev Albert Wagner who, after turning to religion and art at the age of 50, churned out colorful paintings with religious themes at his home on Cleveland’s east side. He’s said to have produced more than 3,000 works from then until his death in 2006 at the age of 82. Given how he painted on whatever was available and often changed works multiple times, even after someone purchased them, it’s hard to know exactly.

The Yards Project’s Art Bar will feature the film One Bad Cat, about Wagner’s life and work by Thomas G. Miller. Drinks and light appetizers will be served prior to the film which will be presented by Cleveland avant-garde filmmaker Rob Banks. The ArtBar is adjacent to the gallery where his works are on view. It’s free and open to all.


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