May 3 Is the Primary Election! Please Vote!

Yes, it’s time to vote again. There IS a primary May 3. Sort of.

We don’t blame you for being confused — the goal of the anti-democratic, anti-fair election Republican members of Ohio’s redistricting commission is to sow confusion and depress voter turnout. When fewer people participate, it’s easier to pass extreme, unpopular laws, focusing on things like trans girls in sports rather than education, jobs & healthcare.

As a result of stalling by the GOP members of the commission, who are even this week refusing to meet with the Democratic members to draw constitutional legislative maps, we won’t be voting in state legislature primaries on May 3. But we will be voting on everything else.

You can choose a Democratic or Republican ballot or, if you aren’t interested in either side and your community had ballot issues, you can ask for an “issues only” ballot. Congressional races WILL be on the ballot, as will such statewide races as governor and senator — yes, after May 3, most of those Mandel/Gibbons/Vance/Timken/Dolan ads will go away and we’ll have a “winner.” This is the time to choose who will be on the November ballot.

Early voting continues at your board of elections every day through May 2, when hours are 8am-2pm. Then you can vote at your polling place on Election Day, May 3, @ 6:30am-7:30pm. if you live in Cuyahoga County go to for full information. If you live in another county, just google your county and “board of elections.”

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