Takacs Quartet Returns to NE Ohio to Play Haydn, Schubert & Coleridge-Taylor

Tue 5/3 @ 7:30PM

The Takács Quartet is one of those veteran string quartets that have been around for decades, building a formidable reputation that survives through many member changes. It was founded in Budapest in 1975 with cellist András Fejér, the only remaining member of the original four. It’s now based in Boulder, Colorado where it is quartet in residence at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Fejér is joined by violinists Edward Dusinberrre, who’s been with the group since 1993 and Harumi Rhodes (2018, and newest member, violist Richard O’Neill, on bard since 2020.

The ensemble is currently on a tour that will bring them to Plymouth Church in Shaker Heights under the auspices of the Cleveland Chamber Music Society, with prize-winner guest cellist David Requiro, an assitance professor at the Unviersity of Colorado Boulder.

The program includes Joseph Haydn’s String Quartet Op. 20, no. 5 in F minor; Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s Fantasiestücke, Op. 5; and Franz Schubert’s String Quintet in C Major, D. 956, with Requiro joining them.

Go here for tickets.


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