Thu 2/17-Sat 2/19 @ 7PM
Cleveland Public Theatre’s annual DanceWorks series has returned to the James Levin Theatre this year, albeit in abbreviated form, with only two weekends, the second taking place this week, both featuring one of the area’s most established ensembles.
Last weekend Inlet Dance performed. This weekend Verb Ballets takes the stage to present a preview of their full-length version of Romeo and Juliet, which they’ve commissioned from internationally noted choreographer Joshua L. Peugh, who is also the founder/artistic director of Dark Circles Contemporary Dance and co-founder of the Dallas-based Theater ensemble Fair Assembly. He gives the work a contemporary spin “reflecting our current political and social reality.” It will feature music performed by pianist Nathan Carterette.
As for the CPT performances, we’re told “The choreographer and artists will explore the new production on stage ahead of its world premiere, transforming the work each night as the performers adapt the story to the stage.”
As always at CPT, tickets are pay what you want, whether you order them online, on the phone or get them at the box office.