Meganne Stepka Debuts Musical/VisualProject “A Light in the Distance” at Forest City Brewery

Fri 10/19 @ 8PM

The local music and film scenes collide in A Light in the Distance, hosted by Emerge Micromedia at Forest City Brewery.

The live music and video presentation by local singer/songwriter Meganne Stepka (who also fronts the band Meg & the Magnetosphere) is based on mythologist Joseph Campbell’s “hero’s journey.” It grows out of her interest in sociology, myth and film, and her frequent use of visuals in her performances, with projected imagery and soundscapes that work together to create the narrative thread.

A Light in the Distance was originally written and recorded in the dark of night completely alone over the week of the summer solstice,” she says. ““I wanted to answer ‘the call’ to express songs waiting to be written from my deepest reflections on my role in my own life and to interpret the world on this meta-personal level as pursued with the passion of an artist, a woman, a human.”

Tickets are $10 in advance, $14 at the door.


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