Film @ CWRU Tells the Story of Black Indians

Tue 2/11 @ 6:30-8:30PM

The connection between Native Americans and African-Americans isn’t something that occurs to most people, unless perhaps they live in New Orleans where many legends, myths and shrouded, disputed histories surround the city’s colorful and well-known African-American Mardi Gras Indian groups, some of them with names such as Black Seminoles. Golden Comanche and Apache Hunters.

The 2004 film Black Indians: An American Story, narrated by actor James Earl Jones with music by New Orleans’ Neville Brothers, explores the points of interaction between these two oppressed groups, where they met and where they diverged.

The film will screen at Case Western Reserve University’s Crawford Hall, Room A9, 10900 Euclid Avenue, sponsored by SWRU’s Social Justice Institute.

It’ll be followed by a what’s described as a “robust discussion about the critical need to examine lost, hidden, forgotten and denied histories and about the unique twin cultural heritage of Native Black Americans,” led by Dr. Susan Dominguez.

It’s free and open to the public. It includes light refreshments. RSVP to to

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