ENDORSEMENT: Vote YES on Issue 24


CoolCleveland strongly urges a YES vote on Issue 24.

Let’s recap. Unarmed 12-year-old Tamir Rice was murdered at pointblank range by a Cleveland police officer. No one was ever charged with a crime.

Cleveland police officers fired 137 shots at unarmed Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams. One officer was found not guilty and five of the six officers involved were reinstated to their positions.

Unarmed 17-year-old Angelo Miller was shot in the back eight times and killed by a Cleveland police officer who was never charged.

Meanwhile, millions are paid out annually from the City of Cleveland’s budget for the settlement of wrongful death lawsuits and the Consent Decree imposed by the Department of Justice for violating the US Constitution and federal law. Since 2010, the City of Cleveland has paid out nearly $47 million in settlements, and spends between $6 and $11 million annually to enforce the Consent Decree.

Issue 24 is a ballot initiative that seeks to hold independent investigations into police misconduct in the City of Cleveland, and providing final authority on discipline to the Civilian Police Review Board, a civilian board of community representatives. Issue 24 is funded with less than 2% of the annual police budget.

Currently, the Office of Professional Standards, which investigates the police, reports to the Chief of Police. Clearly, this arrangement is not working. Issue 24 would ensure that they report directly to the Civilian Police Review Board instead.

Issue 24 would not affect collective bargaining, does not interfere with grievance protocols, and does not negate the authority of an arbitrator to make a final decision.

CoolCleveland strongly feels the time is long past due for accountability in the Cleveland Police Department, and the passage of Issue 24 would be a positive step in the right direction.

We urge a YES vote on Issue 24.






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