Down Brook Annual Clean-Up Targets Trash and Invasive Plants

Sat 4/17 @ 1-3PM

It’s that time of year to pick up all the trash that’s accumulated over the winter and pull out those invasive plants starting to pop up their heads. And this year, the usual plastic bags, bottles and fast food containers are being joined by a sign of the times: lots of disposable masks someone just couldn’t wait to dispose of in a trash can.

That’s why the Doan Brook Watershed Partnership and the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes is celebrating the coming Earth Day by inviting volunteers to join them for their annual Stream Sweep and Weed Pull along the Doan Brook corridor and surrounding areas.

All ages are welcome, both individuals and groups (your scout troop?) There will be a tent at the corner of Fairhill Boulevard and East 127thStreet to register, sign in and get your gloves and trash bags. Sign-in starts at 12:30pm; work goes on from 1-3pm. Dress for the weather and were sturdy shoes!

Go here for more info or to register in advance.


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