Thu 3/21 @ 6PM
This month, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s monthly adult night, Think & Drink With the Extinct, gives guests a chance to explore “Fantastic Beasts of the Natural World.”
“While we don’t have Dragons or Griffins, we do have some pretty Fantastic Beasts in our collection. Learn about the creatures and science that inspired the magical creatures of Hogwarts, see real specimens, and meet some of the live creatures that truly make science magical,” they promise.
Among the fantastic beasts are Guiding Eye Dogs in training; poisonous frogs from the John Carroll collection with handler Dr. Ralph Saporito; a collection of snakes, turtles and lizards, courtesy of the Herps Alive Foundation and Animal Rescue; and three animal presentations in the Murch Auditorium at 7, 7:45 and 8:30pm, with owls, mammals and the star of the show, the museums own Lancelot the North American Porcupine.
Adding a little fantasy to the “fantastic” is Tremont’s Buckland Museum of Witchcraft & Magick, sharing the magical properties of the mandrake root, a mythical sea creature called the devil fish and, supposedly, “real life” unicorns.
Collision Bend Brewery, Seven Brothers Distilling Co and MANCAN Wine will be providing the “drink” part of the evening, with libations such as Butterbeer and Polyjuice Potion.
It’s $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Members are free. Planetarium shows are $6 extra.