Learn to Make Change Through Art at CWRU Conference

Sat 2/8 @ 10:30AM-3:30PM

Case Western Reserve University and the Inter Religious Task Force are holding their 20th annual Social Justice Teach-In, a great opportunity for activists of all ages (many come from area high schools and colleges) to get involved in the never-ending work for peace, economic justice and human rights.

This year’s theme is “Peacemaking through Art and Storytelling,” featuring Latinx activist hip-hop artist Olmeca, who will open and close the conference with performances and a keynote address. In between, attendees can choose from 30-40 workshops on local and global issues, and learn practical ways to make an impact.

The event takes place at CWRU’s Tinkham Veale University Center Ballroom. It’s open to all community members. Register to attend here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-justice-teach-in-20th-annual-tickets-56586840764?ref=enivtefor001&invite=MTg1MjI1NTUvZ3JpZmFkcmlAZ21haWwuY29tLzA%3D%0A&utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=inviteformalv2&utm_term=attend

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