Jazz Pianist Jackie Warren Celebrates Her Birthday at the BOP STOP

Sat 3/27 @ 8-9:30PM

If you follow the local jazz scene at all, you know who Jackie Warren is.

The Colorado native came to northeast Ohio to attend Oberlin where she got degrees in both jazz and classical performance, and later added a masters degree in classical piano from Cleveland State University. Her exuberant piano playing helps drive band leader/timbales player Sammy DeLeon’s various Latin jazz configurations. She also performs solo, doing a range of music, as well as with the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, and plays straightforward jazz with her trio, with bassist Peter Dominguez and drummer Ron Godale.

It’s her birthday on Saturday March 27 so she’s hosting a celebration by — what else? — playing music at one of the venues where she performs regularly, the BOP STOP. She’ll have a bunch of special guests including the irrepressible DeLeon, trumpet player Scott McKee, Cuban percussionist Miguel Cuni and more.

This virtual concert will stream on the BOP STOP’s Facebook page at 8pm Saturday March 27. Go here to access it. It’s free, but donations for the players are very welcome. Go here to donate. Learn more about Jackie here.



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