VIDEO: Nate Puppets’ Performance and Reclamation in the Underground

Some creators are so unique, they deserve a second look. Nate Puppets, featured in Nicole Hennessy’s 2018 CoolCleveland article, is a puppeteer, writer, cartoonist and the undisputed master of his Underground World.

Surrounded by a sea of his plush, psychedelic creations, Nate performs some of his most beloved characters, including Rickety Rat, a gonzo spoof of his famous, and profoundly more wholesome Floridian cousin (#VoteRicktyRat).

Nate also opens up about his latest project, which deals with the profound themes of race and the history of entertainment in America.

His work-in-progress, Mother, is a fearless reclamation and exploration of blackface caricature, a topic which plumbs the depths of his identity as well as the sordid chasms of our nation’s past.

As Nate explains, “With being a puppeteer and being a ventriloquist, there is an undeniable link with blackface in puppetry…I think by talking about these caricatures and bringing to light what they mean, I hope that people can more fully understand this part of history.”

Though Nate’s production is in its formative stages, it is one to watch as it develops and brings the critical issue of racial stereotypes and representation to the public eye.

Keep tabs on this important endeavor. Follow Nate Puppet’s Underground World on Facebook and Instagram.

View this VIDEO here.

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