Story Club Is Back, With Tales of Surviving 2020

Thu 11/19 @ 8PM

Story Club is back! No, not live — that’s not safe yet. But you can join the fun on Zoom when storytellers share their tales of how they’re pushing through the pandemic, the election, the murder hornets and everything else 2020 has brought us.

Dana Norris hosts the evening which, as usual, has three featured performers: Mental Illness & Friends founder Deena Nyer Mendlowitz, who works at the intersection of mental health and comedy, Story Club producer Amy Phipps and author Nestor Gomez. There are also several open mic slots reserved for submissions of eight-minute, 1,300-work maximum stories. It’s first-come/first-served so email quickly if you want to submit.

Admission is $10 suggested donation to the Greater Cleveland Food Bank. Once you get your ticket here, you’ll get a link two hours before the event, with pre-show starting at 7:45pm and the main event at 8.  If you want to liven the at-home fun, consider buying a bottle of winery from Story Club’s regular venue, CLE Urban Winery. Shipping is free!



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