Mon 3/27 @ 6-8PM
Good luck keeping up with all the assaults on women’s reproductive freedom these days. In statehouses across the country — and nowhere more so than Ohio, led by anti-choice Governor John Kasich — right-wing legislators, most of them men, are pushing legislation to restrict women’s access, not just to abortion, but also contraception and accurate information.
Luckily, organizations such as NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio do the keeping up for you. So women’s health clinic Preterm is hosting “From the Courthouse to the Statehouse: Policy Update from NARAL.” Join NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio’s executive director Kellie Copeland as she runs down the policies being pushed and the court cases going on both in Columbus and Washington D.C. Get disgusted, get angry, take action!
The program is free and open to all who support a woman’s right to make her own choices about her body and her life.