Tue 9/6 @ 6:30PM
Goldhorn Brewery finally opened in July in Cleveland’s St. Clair/55th Hub — which has high hopes of being the next hot Cleveland neighborhood. Given its delay (it expected to be open after the neighborhood’s Kurentovanje celebrations in February), it’s working hard to make people notice its presence.
One way it’s doing so is by jumping onto the hot combo of craft beer and yoga. Starting this week, it will be hosting the locally based Balance & Brews which has been holding class at venues such as Market Garden, Portside and the Hofbrauhaus.
“Part of our vision is to bring awareness to the great local beer scene in our city,” says Balance & Brews founder Melissa Klimo-Major in a press release announcing the event. “We had been excitedly following social media and watching the progress of Goldhorn, and are happy to finally announce our debut date with this great new brewhouse.”
Balance & Brews features an hour-long yoga class, geared for all levels of experience and skill, followed by a drinking-and-socializing sessions. Sometimes the event will also include tours and talks about beer. Cost is $18. You can also buy multi-class passes and check out the various breweries Balance & Brews works with.