Wed 5/5 @ 6:30-8PM
This is “the biggest week in birding,” Summit Metro Parks tells us. In fact, “The Biggest Week in American Birding” is the official name for a series of May 6-10 events taking place in northwestern Ohio (“The Warbler Capitol of the World”) t locations such as Maumee Bay and Magee Marsh to welcome migratory birds back to the region. Apparently the Akron-based group has decided it’s too fun to miss but like the northwest Ohio group, they’re going virtual this year.
To get prepared for the event, you can join Summit Metro Park for an online program that will spotlight migratory bird species and where you can spot them — often in your own yard! The Zoom ID for the free event is 836 1339 7221. For more information, call 330-865-8065.