Playwrights Local Presents Fairy-Tale Musical “Tatterhood,” a Tale of Two Princesses

Thu 4/11-Sat 4/13 @ 7:30PM

Why NOT base a new original musical on a Norwegian fairy tale? Hey, Cleveland’s Talespinner Children’s Theatre does stuff like that all the time, with their scripts that draw on myth/fairytale/folklore from around the world.

And fairy tales from Scandanavia also inspired Julia Fisher who collaborated with composer Vickey McBride to write the book and lyrics for Tatterhood, the next production from Playwright Local.

In the short play (70 minutes), twin princesses named Tatterhood and Sunniva are cloistered in their castle by their mother the Queen. When they venture outside the walls they encounter a variety of not-too-friendly people who force the sisters to take a good look at themselves.

It runs for three performances at the Creative Space at Waterloo Arts. Tickets are $8.

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