The 31st Annual CMA Chalk Festival Goes Virtual

Sat 9/12 & Sun 9/13

For three decades, the Cleveland Museum of Art has been hosting its annual Chalk Festival, based on an old Italian street tradition from the Renaissance. Typically, community members join professional artists in creating designs on the sidewalks around the Fine Arts Garden, accompanied by music from local musicians.

The 31st annual Chalk Festival is going to look different from previous ones. People won’t be gathering in one location. Instead, CMA is inviting participants to create works on their own sidewalks or driveway expressing the theme of “Love Your Community With All Your Art,” then sharing what they create on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #CMAChalkFestival.

CMA is offering a Virtual Chalk Festival tool kit online, with chalking tips, suggested materials, and even a Spotify playlist featuring songs by musicians who have performed at the Chalk Festival in the past. It’s inviting participants to be inspired by browsing CMA’s collection online or to draw from Pepe, activities and landmarks in their own communities.

Go here to access virtual resources.

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