Sat 6/18 @ noon-4PM
Currently at Zygote press, you can see the Queer Ecology Hanky Project, featuring more than 120 artist-created bandanas in a show curated by Vanessa Adams and Mary Tremonte. The bandanas are wearable art expressing their makers’ ideas about queer communications, and their affinity for nature (plants & animals) as well as each other.
As an outgrowth of the show Zygote is hosting a Queer Print + Zine Fair outside its building on Saturday, June 18. It’ll be featuring local and national artists who create ’zines and prints with queer themes and ideas. And, in partnership with Asiatown Cleveland and the Cleveland Public Library, Tacoma, Washington queer artist Saiyare Refaei will be doing a hands-on printmaking activity at the Asiatown Art Box, 3236 Payne Avenue @ noon-2pm. The event is free and open to all
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