Mon 2/13 @ 6:30-9PM
Cleveland’s celebration of the Slovenian festival of Kurentovanje has grown in the past decade from a small, neighborhood-based event in and around the National Slovenian Home on St. Clair into a ten-day series of events culminating in the festival, which attracts thousands of Clevelanders to join the furry kurents who clang on giant bells to (hopefully) chase away winter and bring in the spring.
One of those events in a movie screening at the LaSalle Theatre in North Collinwood of the film LGBT_SLO_1984 in its first North Americans screening — appropriately since Cleveland has more Slovenians than any place outside Slovenia itself.
The documentary film addresses the question “How did Slovenia, a small Alpine country, become a center for LGBT activism and queer culture?” It starts in 1985 with the Magnus Gay Culture Festival, and documents how LGBTQ acceptance has grown and regressed over the years depending on what was happening in the larger culture, and it explores how Slovenia became the first Eastern European county to offer full marriage quality for same-sex couples.
The film’s director Boris Petkovič will be at the event, giving attendees the chance to meet and talk to him. Doors open at 6:30pm and a panel introduction happens at 7pm followed by the 87-minute film, which has English subtitles. Afterward the director will answer questions.
Admission is free; reserve your ticket here. For a full listing of Kurentovanje activities go here.