Sat 5/12 @ 7PM
New Orleans musician Gina Forsyth is a fiddler, guitarist, vocalist and songwriter with a warm, earthy alto and a Cajun style of fiddling that comes naturally to someone living in Louisiana. Influenced by classic folk artists such as Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie, she’s performed at folk clubs and festivals all across the U.S. With schooling in jazz and classical and grounding in country and old-time music from growing up in Alabama, she brings a rich lode of influences to her sound.
She’ll be coming to Cleveland to perform under the auspices of nonprofit acoustic music group Folknet as part of their spring concert series at Lyndhurst’s Church of the Good Shepherd. Tickets are $12 for members, $15 for non-members.
For fiddlers who’d like to delve more into her style, she’ll be leading a workshop at 3pm. It’s $15 and reservations are required. Email Charlie Mosbrook at president@folknet.org.