Verb Ballets Performs Free Concert at Cain Park

Fri 9/3 @ 8PM

There have been a lot of dance performances at Cain Park this summer — Cleveland companies Inlet Dance, GroundWorks, DanceTheater and Dancing Wheels, and from New York Raphael Xavier, who performed with a half dozen selected local dancers.

But they’re not done yet! In most years, Cain Park’s Evans Amphitheater would be closed by now but with this season pandemic-delayed, it’s running a month later than usual. This weekend, it’s offering a free concert by Cleveland’s Verb Ballet, telling us “This free performance is sponsored by Cleveland Heights residents and Verb Ballets’ board members, James Graham and David M. Dusek, as a gift to the community.”

What a nice gift! The 34-year old “contemporary ballet” ensemble has been bringing its performances to Cain Park for more than 15 years. Led by former Cleveland Ballet dancer Dr. Margaret Carlson, the company focuses on strong classical ballet training and features dancers of diverse backgrounds. Fans of the company should jump at this chance to catch them as its scheduled performance at Arts in August Tremont August 13 was rained out.

No ticket or reservation is necessary although you can RSVP at the company’s website if you choose.


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