Spend an Evening With Pop Songwriter/Singers Marti Jones & Don Dixon at Peninsula’s G.A.R. Hall

Fri 8/25 @ 8PM

Canton’s Marti Jones met North Carolina-based producer Don Dixon (Smithereens, Marshall Crenshaw, R.E.M.) back in the early 1980s when he produced an EP by her new wave/pop band Color Me Gone. Soon they were married and he too became a resident of Canton.

The band was short-lived, but Jones and Dixon are still going strong. They’ve put out many wonderful albums over the years, infusing their pop sensibilities with an edge of wit. Dixon released High & Filthy & Borderline in 2013, and Jones came out with You’re Not The Bossa Me in 2014. With their vast repertoire of memorable pop tunes, the intuitive harmonies and the bantering onstage interplay, their shows are delightful.

They’re returning to Peninsula’s G.A.R. Hall to perform “An Evening with Marti Jones & Don Dixon.” Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 day of show.


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