Mon 5/14 @ 7PM
One of the cool things Nighttown in Cleveland Heights does is turn over its stage to local high school jazz ensembles on nights when legendary jazz stars aren’t booked to play there. Proud parents can bring all their friends, and those interested in supporting the local jazz scene can scope out potential future stars.
Tonight, the University School Jazz ensembles, from the private boys’ school in Hunting Valley, will perform. Guitarist/composer Daniel Bruce, a former Chicago who has recently relocated to the Cleveland area, is the guest soloist of the University School 1:00 Jazz Ensemble and Combo, with Chad Komocki on drums.
The ensembles, under the direction of David Kay, will play music by Gil Evans, Herbie Hancock, Charlie Parker, Paul Ferguson, Joe Henderson, Bobby Timmons and Dan Bruce, among others.
Tickets are $10.