Sat 8/19 @ 4-5:30PM
Wed 8/23 @ 6-8PM
With the Cleveland primary for mayor and all city council positions coming up Tue 9/12, quite a few wards are having the opportunity to hear form their council candidates in forums.
The League of Women Voters will host a two downtown council candidates forum, covering wards 3, 5 and 7, all of which include parts of downtown (Gerrymandering isn’t just a state issue!)
One will take place at the Hofbrauhaus in PlayhouseSquare on Wed 8/23 @ 6-8pm for residents to hear form candidates running in Wards 3 (incumbent is Kerry McCormack) and 5 (incumbent is Phyllis Cleveland).
The Ward 7 forum has been spun off into its own forum due to the number of candidates in this largely Hough-based district challenging incumbent TJ Dow. That forum will take place Sat 8/19 @ 4-5:30pm at the Martin Luther King branch of the Cleveland Public Library in University Circle.
Both forums are free and open to the public.