Three Years in the Making, “Everything Is OK” Has Its World Premiere at Cleveland Public Theatre

Sat 10/20-Sat 11/10

Melissa Crum and Caitlin Lewins of Cleveland Public Theatre wrote, composed and perform in Everything is Okay (and other helpful lies), directed by Matthew Wright at CPT. A darkly comic musical, it follows a group of close friends — but don’t go expecting the TV show Friends. These friends drink too much, make bad decisions and are at odds with each other.

Like many CPT productions, it developed over a period of time, starting with CPT’s signature benefit Pandemonium in 2015.

“We sat at Gypsy Beans & Baking Co. and wrote out a bunch of clever one lines about lies people tell themselves — ‘No One I Love is Going to Die Today,’ ‘I’m Not a Slut but You Are…’ etc,” recalls Lewins. These lines ended up becoming the songs in our first Pandemonium piece.”

The piece then had developmental performances at Entry Point 2017 and 2018 and Test Flight 2018, as well as Pandemonium 2017. Now it’s ready for its close-up … er, world premiere. It’s part of the Nord Family Foundation’s Catapult Fellowship, a program intended to support just such a journey.

Tickets range from $15-$35.

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