Spend the Night at Geauga Park Observatory Park to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower

Tue 8/11

This event has been cancelled for this year. Watch the Perseid Shower from your yard or a local park!

It’s that time of year again: prime viewing time for the Perseid Shower, the annual astronomical event when a cloud of debris trails the path of a comet, usually peaking during the second week in August.

Luckily, the Geauga Park District’s Observatory Park in Montville Township is open (daily 6am-1am through Labor days and after that until 11pm). Plan to stay late to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower during the Meteors & Moths overnight event, with peak viewing time 1-3am. As for the moths, you can watch them attracted to the black light and mercury vapor lamps at Observatory Park and help survey nocturnal wildlife.

And it’s the only night tent camping is allowed at Observatory Park so plan to bring your tent and sleeping bag and hang out. A sleepless naturalist will be available from hand from sunset to sunrise to chat about meteor showers, moths, animals or any other natural phenomena you have questions about. Tents may be set up starting at 4pm Tuesday and must be removed by 9am Wednesday. No alcohol, grills or open fires, but you may brig your cat or dog on a leash.

Go here for up-to-date info.

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One Response to “Spend the Night at Geauga Park Observatory Park to Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower”

  1. Unfortunately Geauga Park District’s Moths & Meteors event has been cancelled this year due to coronavirus concerns. This event is held annually, though, so please mark your calendar for next year. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

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