City Club Forum with Mayor Bibb Looks at Black Philanthropy

Fri 2/17 @ 11:30AM

Cleveland mayor Justin Bibb returns to the City Club, and this time, the topic is philanthropy, specifically Black philanthropy.

Bibb will join moderator Connie Hill-Johnson, board chairperson at the Cleveland Foundation, for a discussion on “advancing racial equity through the power of Black giving.”

They’ll explore the work of The Soul of Philanthropy Cleveland (TSOPCLE), and what it has done to change the idea of Black community in Cleveland mostly benefiting from philanthropy rather than contributing to it.

“The movement catalyzed by TSOPCLE inspired the establishment of the Cleveland Black Equity and Humanity Fund to support and facilitate investment in causes and issues that promote and support Black-led social and economic change throughout northeast Ohio,” the City Club tells us, as they prepare to look at the ways in which the community supports its own.

The forum, rescheduled from October, is sold out but it will be livestreamed, starting at noon. You can tweet questions to @TheCityClub or text 330-541-5794.



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