Mercury Theatre Stages “Amelie,” A Musical About a Whimsical Parisian Girl

Fri 7/16-Sun 7/18

Thu 7/22-Sun 7/25

Fri 7/30-Sat 7/31

Thu 8/5-Sun 8/8

The 2017 musical Amelie, based on the engaging 2001 French film, a romantic comedy about a lonely, eccentric Parisian girl who decides to devote herself to making other people happy, was not a hit. It ran for about a month and a half on Broadway. It was later revised, with a new score and songs, and has been performed a number of places — but nowhere in Ohio.

Now it will be making its Ohio debut at the Mercury Theater Company, which is staging it at Notre Dame College’s Regina Hall Friday July 16 through Sunday August 8. Performances are at 7pm Thursday, 7:30pm Fridays & Saturdays and 2pm Sundays.

To purchase tickets go toélie.



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