Wed 9/23 @ 6PM
What’s the number one thing on most people’s minds right now? Probably the pandemic and how drastically it’s impacted our daily lives, our jobs, our schools, our health care and our economy. That we will emerge into a very different world is unquestionable.
But how will it reshape the world. That’s what Thomas Bollyky, director of the global health program and senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations, will talk about at the Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ first Foreign Policy Forum of the 2020-21 season.
In “Global Health and Pandemics: A World Reshaped by COVID-19,” Bollyky will talk discuss about advances in health care, how urbanization over the past 100 years and global travel has made pathogens such as viruses more dangerous, and how our future is likely to be different, both here and abroad, once COVID-19 is under control.
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