Community Meeting Explains Importance of Voting NO on August 8

Thu 6/22 @ 5:30PM

Vote NO on August 8.

 We’ve been telling you for weeks how Republican elected officials in Ohio are working feverishly to silence the voice of the state’s citizens forever. Their immediate goal is to make sure that the abortion rights issue, which is aiming for the November ballot, will not pass, even if it successfully gathers the required signatures.  (There’s only a little more than a week left to sign; go here for a location to do so.)

Their plot is to raise the percentage of vote required to pass such a citizen-generated ballot issue from 50% to 60%. (Ballot issues coming from the legislature will still require only 50% — a real power imbalance. The reproductive rights issue is currently polling at about 58-59%.) And they’re doing so through an August 8th election, a time when turnout is typically very low. Doing so would not only prevent reproductive rights from passing, it would also block issues such as legalization of recreational marijuana, raising the minimum wage and creating an independent redistricting commission. They hope you’ll be on vacation or getting your kids ready for school or just not thinking about voting in August.

Registration deadline is July 10; early voting starts July 11. You can vote in person, vote by mail or vote at your polling place but be sure to vote NO to canceling democracy in Ohio. Check to make sure you’re registered here.

Learn more at what’s described as an “urgent community meeting to protect majority rule” taking place at SEUI headquarters at 13000 Shaker Blvd. Learn what you can do to protect majority rule in Ohio and prevent the legislature from extending its already outsized and unchecked power to go against what most Ohioans want and what benefits the majority of the state’s citizens.

 And whatever you do, put August 8 on your calendar and show up to vote NO!

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