Tue 6/13 @ 5:30PM
So our demagogue-in-chief in the White House is still demonizing immigrants, jumping instantly on the London stabbings to justify shutting our borders, but taking more than two days to even comment on the stabbing murders in Portland, Oregon by a native-born white man.
Since his election, those who came here from other countries, legally or not, have felt much less secure and welcome, despite their hard work and the contributions they are making to this country.
Come to the ACLU of Ohio’s Max Wohl Civil Liberties Center for an evening in which Austin Kocher, president of the Central Ohio workers’ Center, will talk about immigration law and how it’s being enforced under Trump, including policies specific to Ohio. He’ll also share ways to resist the profiling, detainment and deportation of immigrants.
The program is free and open to all; light refreshments will be offered. RSVP at acluohio.org or by calling 216-472-2220.