Berea Animal Rescue’s Luck of the Paw Casino Night Raises Money for New Shelter

Sat 6/10 @ 6:30-10PM

Berea Animal Rescue Friends aka ARF is hoping to be able to serve many more animals in the future. That’s why it’s launching its capital campaign to build a new 16-acre facility in Columbia Township. It’s already acquired the land, but it now needs to build the shelter.

It will kick off the campaign at its new fundraising event, Luck of the Paw Casino & Game Night, at the Ehrnfelt Event Center in Strongsville. There animal lovers can enjoy an evening of casino gaming, sideboard gambling, raffles, silent auction for prizes such as theater tickets, zoo membership and an African Safari Wildlife Park adventure, a live DJ, a strolling magician, and well-stocked appetizer and dessert buffets. They’ll also get to peek at the latest plans for this new facility to pamper pets-in-waiting.

The $50 ticket includes all the food, a drink ticket and starter gambling chips. All money raised goes to helping animals and creating the new shelter. Buy tickets here.



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