Now That’s Class’s Monthly Noise Lunch Celebrates Its Sixth Birthday

Sun 7/1 @3PM

One of the most obscure of Cleveland’s many music sub-scenes is the noise music scene — and this genre definitely isn’t for everyone. Its practitioners explore sonic outer limits, incorporating improvisation and usually using electronics to create or alter sounds. While not all of it is technically “noise” — it can be very pretty — little of it is traditionally melodic and conventionally structured.

Where can you check this out? One steady place for the last six years has been the monthly Noise Lunches at Now That’s Class. This month they’ll be celebrating their six-year anniversary with a “Cookout-Potluck-Throwdown.”

They’ll start off with a potluck cookout (bring something to share) in back of the club from 3-5pm, followed by the Noise Lunch performances (including cake!) inside from 5:30-8pm. Lisa Miralia and Brian Neaville will curate a lineup of performers on the theme By The LED Light’s Red Glare: Patriotic songs and anthems, noise lunch style.”

It’s free.


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