Register to Vote By Tuesday October 11 to Vote November 8


Through Tue 10/11

Do not let anyone tell you the presidential race is “in the bag” for either candidate. Do not let anyone tell you you’re vote doesn’t count. It does — especially in the down ticket races for Senate, U.S. Congress, state legislature, judgeships and state school board. Did you even know there are state school board races on the ballot? There are!

The final day to register for the Tuesday November 8 election is Tuesday October 11. If you have not registered yet, if you have moved, or if you have been reading those media reports about people being purged from the voter rolls because they haven’t voted recently, contact your county board of elections immediately. And yes, you CAN register online.

In Cuyahoga County, go to or call 216-443-VOTE.

In Ashtabula County, go to or call 440-576-6915.

In Geauga County, go to or call 440-285-2222.

In Huron County, go to huroncountyboe or call 419-668-8238.

In Lake County, go to or call 440-350-2700.

In Lorain County, go to loraincountyelections or call 440-326-5900.

In Medina County, go to medinacountyelections or call 330-722-9278.

In Sandusky County, go to sanduskycountyboardofelections or call 419-334-6180.

In Stark County, go to starkcountyboardofelections or call 330-451-VOTE.

In Summit County, go to summitcountyboe or call 330-643-5200.



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