Science Cafe at the Music Box Explores Forest Microbiomes


Mon 6/12 @ 7PM

This month, Science Café at the Music Box Supper Club will take a look at the topic “Getting by with a little help from our friends: The hidden forest microbiome and its important role in species conservation.”

The presenters will be David Burke, scientist and research chair of the Holden Arboretum, and Kathy Krynak, assistant professor of biology at Ohio Northern University. They’ll take a look at the “friendly” microbes that are teeming all around us and how the ones that live in forests help plants absorb nutrients and resist disease and possible help animal species survive. They’ll make us aware of how much is constantly being learned about the forest microbiome and how important the preservation of it is to our environment.

Science Café is free. Doors open at 5:30 and food and a full bar will be available. The program starts at 7.

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