Thu 6/8 @ 7:30PM
The closing of the Barking Spider last fall was much lamented in the music community. Jenna Juredine had taken over from her father Martin following his death in 2011, maintaining the club’s distinctive causal environment and mix of rootsy genres of music that encouraged musicians and music lovers to hang out and form partnerships and friendships. But running a club that that was open all but two days of the year proved too much for Juredine who was newly married and expecting her first child.
Her love of music and dedication to the local music scene has lured her back into presenting music on a more manageable scale. She’ll begin to curate the series of twice-monthly shows that take place at the Heights Music Shop in the Cedar Lee District of Cleveland Heights, on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month.
Each show will feature a pair of local songwriters/musicians with an emphasis on original music, matching artists whose music compliments the other. Her first show in the series will feature teenage singer/songwriter from Lorain County Emily Keener (pictured) who is already an experienced performer at the age of 18 with a pair of albums under her belt. She’ll be joined by Mentor singer/songwriter Michelle Gaw
The music is performed in an intimate, listening-conducive setting limited to 40 people. “The audience knows that they’re in a room full of music appreciators which keeps the room relaxed and pleasant.” says Juredine. “No one has to be told to be quiet or asked to turn their phones off. They all came to hear a show.”
Audience members may bring their own food and drink. Cover is $10. If you’d like to reserve a spot (a good idea, given the limited capacity), call the store at 216-860-4460.