Tue 5/4 @ 7:30PM
Like most situations involving conflict-ridden foreign countries, the situation in Syria is complicated, to say the least.
In March, 2011, people filled the streets in solidarity with freedom-and-democracy-seeking movements in Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia aka the “Arab Spring.” But Syria’s dictatorial “president” Bashar al-Assad instigated a crackdown. As many fled the country, Assad was accused of torturing, gassing and killing citizen. Meanwhile, on the other end, ISIS was taking over parts of the country, leaving ordinary people caught in the middle.
A decade later, it’s suggested that almost 600,000 people have died, more than a million had fled and more than six million are displaced within the country itself. And, with Russia, the U.S., Turkey and Iran all jockeying for influence for conflicting reasons, it’s no surprise that Assad has been defended by everyone from neo-Nazi David Duke to progressive peace advocate Dennis Kucinich.
The City Club’s series, Happy Dog Takes on the World, will attempt to untangle all these twisted skeins in a program featuring former U.S. ambassador to the Republic of Malta Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley and former U.S. ambassador to Syria Robert S. Ford.
WCPN’s Tony Ganzer moderates the free program. To join the event, go here.