Wed 2/17 @ 11:30AM-12:30PM
What does justice look like in Cleveland?
The leaders of three organizations working to bring justice and equity to northeast Ohio will gather (virtually) for a City Club forum called “A New Era of Justice.” These leaders will look at what they are doing to further this goal after a pandemic that disproportionately impacted minority communities.
Cleveland Public Library executive director/CEO Felton Thomas will share CPL’s new strategic plan to help make opportunities equally available to all citizens. He’ll be joined by the presidents of the local branches of two legacy groups founded in the early 20th century to address racial injustice: Marsha A. Mockabee of the Urban League of Greater Clevwlnd and Danielle L. Sydnor of the Cleveland Branch of the NAACP.
Darielle Snipes of the Cleveland Metropolitan School district moderates. Go here to participate in the forum.